Category: Tips and Tricks
Hits: 7216

I have an custom menu script that allow me to see players connected or connect to FF or Beaver 7.

I bind F5 to show a menu with 4 options:

1. FF Server Server Status   2. Connect to FF
7. Beaver 7  Server Status   8. Connect to Beaver   1. Nothing


- Copy and paste the following script in a notepad and save it on your baseq3 folder. You could call it xServer.cfg

- Open your the autoexec.cfg and add the command exec xServer.cfg

note: autoexec.cfg is located on your baseq3 folder (if you don't have it create it using notepad, it's a simple text file) 

- Start your Quake 3 area 1.31 when you are already connected to Beaver 7 or FF press F5.



// bind F5 "exec xServers.cfg"
echo "^51.^7FF Server Server Status ^52.^7Connect to FF"
echo "^57.^7Beaver 7 Server Status ^58.^7Connect to Beaver 7 ^50.^1Nothing"

play sound/misc/menu4

// This will load the backup (beneath) and say your selected text
// bind 1 "vstr backup;r_fullscreen 1; r_mode 8; cg_fov 120; in_mouse 1;in_restart;vid_restart"
// bind 2 "vstr backup;r_fullscreen 0; r_mode 7; cg_fov 110; in_mouse 1;in_restart;vid_restart"

bind 1 "serverstatus"
bind 2 "vstr backup; wait 333;connect"
bind 3 "vstr backup; play sound/items/wearoff; ECHO ^73.^1Nothing..."
bind 4 "vstr backup; play sound/items/wearoff; ECHO ^74.^1Nothing..."

bind 5 "vstr backup; play sound/items/wearoff; ECHO ^75.^1Nothing..."
bind 6 "vstr backup; play sound/items/wearoff; ECHO ^76.^1Nothing..."

bind 7 "serverstatus"
bind 8 "vstr backup; wait 333;connect"

bind 9 "vstr backup; play sound/items/wearoff; ECHO ^79.^1Nothing..."
bind 0 "vstr backup; play sound/items/wearoff; ECHO ^70.^1Nothing..."

// This will be loaded for each selection and restor old weapon set ..
set backup "vstr m1;vstr m2;vstr m3;vstr m4;vstr m5;vstr m6;vstr m7;vstr m8;vstr m9;vstr m0"
set m1 "bind 1 "weapon 1""
set m2 "bind 2 "weapon 2""
set m3 "bind 3 "weapon 3""
set m4 "bind 4 "weapon 4""
set m5 "bind 5 "weapon 5""
set m6 "bind 6 "weapon 6""
set m7 "bind 7 "weapon 7""
set m8 "bind 8 "weapon 8""
set m9 "bind 9 "weapon 9""
set m0 "bind 0 "weapon 0""


- have fun -

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